Vision & Objectives

EUGLOH’s visions and objectives are:

  • Developing an internationally visible, world-class higher education, research and innovative alliance that will contribute to European quality, performance, attractiveness and international competitiveness.
  • Establishing a long-term strategic alliance focused on the pursuit of excellence in the field of global health across nine diverse and complementary partner institutions located in all four corners of Europe (North, South, East, West).
  • Training the global health actors of tomorrow − from European and global leaders, to researchers, innovators and entrepreneurs, to experts and practitioners.
  • Establishing EUGLOH as a highly sought-after partner in global health and across all dimensions of the knowledge square (education, research, innovation and service to society) at the European and international level.
  • Acting as driving force in solving global health challenges ranging from public health, emerging diseases, climate change and environmental hazards to digital technologies and predictive, preventive, participative and personalized medicine.
  • Contribute to the realisation of the European Education Area, the European Research Area and the European Health Area.