Two New Tools at UPSaclay to Support EUGLOH Cooperation

Paris-Saclay has launched two programmes that aim to contribute to fostering and deepening on-going cooperations and to support the development of new ones between UPSaclay and the EUGLOH partners.

These programmes will serve the EUGLOH Alliance interest because they will provide funds to our academic and research staff to start new projects together.

Please note that these programmes and the funds are managed here at Paris-Saclay but all the partners are invited to participate (from EUGLOH. Applications can only be submitted by UPSaclay staff.

Here's a brief summary of the two programmes :

  • EUGLOH-UPSaclay Internship Gratification Programme: in order to support the launch of the Internship platform and to help our labs to fund EUGLOH interns (mandatory by law - 540€/month for internships longer than 2 months), we will fund up to 60 months of Gratification:
  • EUGLOH-UPSaclay Research Programme: seed money for the development of new collaborations with EUGLOH partners. All the disciplines are concerned.